Pancho Via and My Grandfather

Pancho Via and My Grandfather

Trailer Park Jean

8/29/20220 min read

My grandpa father left home at thirteen. His job was to hook up a goat to a wagon and take it around town and sell milk. He thought that was a job for a boy and he was a man! He did many things before becoming a stockman for the BIA, which took him to Oregon where he met my grandmother, got his law degree, and eventually became a Circuit Judge in Klamath Falls before moving back to Arizon in the 40s.At one point in his journeys, he was prospecting in southern Arizona and fell in love with a beautiful girl across the border. Her family was wealthy and owned a large ranch. They became engaged to be married, but before the nuptials, her grandmother had a dream. In the dream, my grandfather showed up at the door dressed in rags. The wedding was canceled on the ominous dream, it seeming to predict my grandfather would forever be a poor man.Not long after that, with my grandfather gone on his way, Pancho Via came through and stole their ranch and the family escaped to Los Angeles. Many years later, Grandpa came across the family on a visit to LA. They had never regained their fortunes. And that is the story of my grandfather and Pancho Via.Come on down to Dirt Road and have sweet dreams.63People reached8Engagements-3.3x lowerDistribution scoreBoost post55