
Murmurings by Trailer Park Jean

Jean Bowser

8/2/20221 min read

This is my dad as a young man in Oregon. He was born in Klamath Falls Oregon. His father was born in Flagstaff, so I proudly claim the title of third generation Arizonan. My grandfather came back to Arizona in the forties, with my grandmother, a native of Washington state. He was an attorney and practiced law in Wickenburg until his death in ‘71. I have his original Arizona license to practice law, dated 1941. My grandmother was his secretary and typed up all his legal papers on an old green typewriter. His first office was in the building that is now The Local Press. He then moved across from the Chamber, by the old Mine Supply. He eventually moved to the old adobe next to the Bar Seven, which is no longer there. I am proud to be part of Dirt Road, so close to my favorite childhood memories. I used to watch the Gold Rush parade from the front yard of ‘the office’. My father was a true cowboy and a rebel and a crazy romantic. I try to carry that romance into the things I offer at Dirt Road. Come in and enjoy what we at Dirt Road hope represents the spirit of our beautiful town.